

Paisley Medical Clinic


Paisley & Area Health Clinic

127 Victoria Street South
Paisley, Ontario N0G 2N0
Telephone 226-909-3662
Toll-free 1-866-507-2021 ex 201
Fax 519-353-6051

BAFHT Clinic Hours

Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Please note that the BAFHT is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and all statutory holidays.


Onsite Free

Please note that Physician clinic hours may vary from BAFHT clinic hours.

BAFHT Staff at this Site

Team Support Kerri Robinson | Chiropody Danielle Bannerman | Dietitian Jennifer MacTavish | Kinesiologist Rebecca Rier | Nurse Educator Kim Biesenthal | Nurse Practitioner Danielle Lamont, Natalie Mather | Respiratory Health Nurse Educator Anastasia Begon | Social Worker/System Navigator Melissa Roetcisoender

Family Physicians

AT THE WALKERTON BAFHT SITE Dr. Ziad Al Qaseer 519-507-1021 (fax 226-840-0245) | Dr. Huu Hau Doan 519-881-2071 (fax 519-370-2513) | Dr. Michael Gill 519-881-1278 (fax 519-881-3968) | Dr. David Hubbs 519-507-3734 (fax 226-840-0346) | Dr. Paul McArthur 519-881-4640 (fax 519-881-4648) | Dr. Susan McArthur 519-881-4640 (fax 519-881-4648) | Dr. Kyle Scheuerman 226-909-7104 (fax 226-840-0244) | Dr. Amanda Wilhelm 226-909-7104 (fax 226-840-0244)

Service Areas at the Paisley Site

To learn more about our service areas, click on any icon.
Chronic Disease
smoking cessation
Smoking Cessation
Respiratory Health
System Navigation
Palliative Care Nurse Navigator
foot care
Foot Care
memory clinic
Seniors’ Care
Primary Care

Please call 519-369-3007 or email for information, to book an appointment or register for a program.
Note that email to this BAFHT address is NOT secure and is intended for BAFHT program inquiries only. Please DO NOT attach any personal health information to the email message.

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